About us

As clever as the name “The Joneses” might seem (tongue firmly planted in cheek), it is actually our name. We, Heather and Jeff Jones have been married since 1989 and began playing music together even before that. We have decades of experience as performing musicians in settings ranging from intimate lounges to large halls, in several bands, projects, and as an acoustic duo. Making music has simply been what we do for as long as we’ve been together.

Heather is the daughter of Donald Whitney, one of the founding members of the Country Gentlemen Trio. Heather was immersed in music as a child and will admit today that she spent years singing Patsy Cline, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt into her hairbrush. In high school, she was a dead-ringer for Stevie Nicks and performed a memorable “Landslide” at her own graduation.

Heather sang in her church choir and served as worship leader in a contemporary worship band as a paid staff member for several years. Today, Heather’s vocal style is a culmination of professional vocal training and influence from artists such as Joni Mitchell, Robert Plant, Carly Simon, Carole King, and James Taylor.

Jeff’s high school graduating class voted him “Most Musical.” While he no longer sports the same mullet and hot pink guitar from the 1987 yearbook photos, his passion for music has endured. Jeff has played electric and bass guitar in bands off and on for decades, but has concluded that there is just no substitute for a man and his acoustic guitar. Jeff’s influences include James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Mark Knopfler, Lindsey Buckingham and is inspired by the artists that shape generations.

In addition to being musicians, we are hopeless “foodies” and enjoy fine cuisine, wine, and scotch as well as a great cheeseburger, pizza, and beer. We are committed to helping your establishment succeed and love cross-promotion and partnership. Entertainment managers often ask, “can you bring people in?” Our answer is humbly, yes we do bring people in. But more importantly, the people your food and service bring in will stay longer and visit more often when we play.